
Marion Cotillard - my fave french actress

What I can say about her... Why do I love her.

I have to start from the start.

I love everything French... Their language, their women, their history of kings douphins,  the way they look, Paris , La Sienne , their smile, their food, their clothes, their smiles, their freedom and chat , and revierre, and Eiffel tower , their english accent, their writers, and movies and chansons, their hats  and  and I can keep go on and on ...I even tend to like the french fries ... just because thy are call french and I like them :) I even hope some day I will learn the language... but so far some few basic expressions. :D

So Marion. She is everything that I can imagine when I say french girl:
her smile her eyes her moods, her expressions.
But to beging with she and her man in life have been part of one of my all tim favourite Love me if you dare movie:
She is the sexy half of  Guillaume Canet, which smile I just cant get over it:

They had this lill cute thing Marcel.... And I just cant stop admiring that they forget themselves in their love even around him... this is not even in the fairy tales...

She has and Oscar and her sweet  honest emotional wordless speach with that accent is so adoring
 She wears all the bold and my fave for clothes colours and designs so effertlessly even my beloved yellow:

OK now I go to sleep :)...Since I will stay awake the whole evening...


Some Ice drama and a queen :)

Since I am on Ice topic and nowadays after some very emblematic couples left the scene of the ice dancing whathas  left is a drama.

It happened before it will happen again . But when a  couple that has an Olympic medal split - yeah it is a sad, sad story.

Elena is so emotional so passionate beautiful face. Nikita was her strong handsome half.  And of course like someone self assured man  he took decision, took the consequence of it and took his own way in the  hands of his equal beauty Victoria.

Maybe the reason behind the split is based on the fact that they (Elena and Nikita) dated at some point or maybe Nikita felt that their pair has run out and has reached its peak. Maybe he thought he was too good for this pair.Maybe its something trivial like new love or the need for change  or whatever. I am Elena supporter I like her passion, I  will stand behind a girl left like this. And that girl knows her job, knows skating knows acting knows what strong feelings are.

 And then in order the story to be more twisting... Elena took the ex partner of Victoria - Ruslan. He looks like a good guy, like the mysterious type of some manga story that has so much potention  so many talents but you can never read his face, you can never know his feelings or mind. But thats on first view. I  guess this change for Elena was a good one. Now she has not a rock (Nikita) to climb on, but a shore to stand strong.

(now I will cite song) When there is a passion there is gonna be a flame, when there is a flame someone is about to get burn...

If you have watched their emblematic swan lake dance you will be as sad and heartbroken by the Nikita and Elena split as I am. But at the same time i think this change is not necessary tragic for them its for good , now Elena will have the role of leader and will create  and make her dreams fantasies come true. I doubt Nikita left her took the important decisions on their exercise. Nikita maybe found the caring fragile girl to take care of. Its sad when something good is over but thats life.

Ruslan and Elena proved to be very good combination in their Carmen  they have managed to take out so many passion. Damn, Elena, you made a man out of this boy. :) So they become Russian champions, had a mistake at the EU but I hope that they will shine with all they have at the worlds. Niki and Viki had not a good start maybe too much negativity and thoughts are running around them.  But RusLena is just perfect together. Hope thy will grow even more and become the Queen and her loyal king.

Fire on the ice

I periodically fall in love  in the ice skating over and over again...`My on and never off love...

My all time favourites were  Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat. He is something in between lion king, the prince from the beauty and the beast... (yes a lot of royal mentions here). She is the all time fatal beauty red hair greenish eyes badass just classics. I still cant stop watching their Carmina Burana. So strong performance so huge influence, so massive, so outlandish, combination music, moves costumes just sublime:

Their signature move... Marina lifting Gwendal

Their funny or thematic but always interesting  Galas exhibitions and shows . My favourites are Suznana and Star wars.

\Did I mention. They are not only world champions but Olympic ones. As far as I recall the first French Europen champions in ice dansing and so on and so on:) like a boss:

New passions

I have not posted since ... forever.
I changed in so many ways. Life changes in such fast pace i cannot keep track of it ... sometimes i am suffocating sometimes i am runining out of breath and want to have power to stop the Earth and come back in the past in my thoughts. I guess the nly thing that can slow it down is to stop working and to have the time the money to loive my dreams or at least the time to think all the constant different carzy things  that no one will ever know.. :)

Anyway i am planing to start again this blog... Hope to have the time or at lest the motivation to . But i do :)


Francois Cevert the F! rock star :)

In the glad revels, in the happy f�tes,
When cheeks are flushed, and glasses gilt and pearled
With the sweet wine of France that concentrates
The sunshine and the beauty of the world
Drink sometimes, you whose footsteps yet may tread
The undisturbed, delightful paths of Earth,
To those whose blood, in pious duty shed,
Hallows the soil where that same wine had birth....

 I found this poem in some article of him :)

He was a man of all ages... the universal charm, good look and smile :) He had it all body talant, grace, laugh, freedom of the soul, charm charisma  :)



Reeve Carney- a guy with the look, with the talent  and hopefully with the fame.

You said you have never heard of him. But I guess you have seen him. Where? In the clip of taylor swift`s song I knew you were trouble. This song apart of being comparatively new is good  and  like to listen it :)

He is the bad, wild, cant resisit womanizer guy. :)

But apart from this he is a New Yorker, he sings stunning , he has played the leading role in the Broadway musical - Spider-Man  Turn off the darkness. He along with his brother Zane and several other friends have amazing songs.  He has several sountracks to movies. Soon he will also appear as Dorian Gray. All the people who have any touch with him said he is cut,e positive and really gifted. I will not mention his famous girlfriend- one is  from Veronicas a group I really liked to listen and the other well the vampire - Ashley "Twilight Green" I will watch over you reeve hope you have the opportunity to show us how good you are both as actor  and singer. :D Good Luck!


Vivien Leigh

 Vivien turned out ot be my favourite blck and white cinema actress. You all know her like Scarlet OHara. You all know how good she was there. She has another unforgethable role as Blanche DuBois in the movie A Streetcar Named Desire opposite Marlon Brando. :) She won two oscars fot those unforgetables roles. But  one of the most famous  facts of her life was that she was a wife of Laurence Olivier. The english version of  Angelina and Brad of the 40s. :)

One of her best known movies was also That Hamilton waman. Brilient Vivien looks great along with her love Laurence this is the last movie they played togetehr as couple.. This movies is rumoured to be favourite of  both  Winston Churchil and Joseph Stalin .

She adored animals especially cats.
 Unfortunatelly she got ill from bipolar disorder that influenced both her personal life and her work.

And of course some quotes from Laurence and her on love to each other
"would rather have lived a short life with Larry [Olivier] than face a long one without him"
"This, this was love. This was the real thing" – Laurence Olivier on Vivien Leigh shortly before he died.
"I shall never love anybody as much as Vivien but it isn't possible to live with her and do my work. I just can't keep it up. She's too exhausting for me."